By now you must be overwhelmed by the list of things to keep in your head before you board your flight for the States. However, it is extremely important to educate yourself about some common scams that might occur if neglected.

The Famous Call from the Federal Police to inform you about your deportation because you skipped submitting some documents

As I write about this, it is quite embarrassing but also important for me to share my experience about how I fell prey to this scam so you could avoid it. I recently changed my address and after completing one year in the states as a graduate student I received a phone call from a woman who pretended to be from my university claiming that I forgot to submit a few documents. Now the call was very fishy from the beginning but the coincidence and my circumstances made me believe every lie. The lady on the phone made me delete every social media app from my phone to avoid me from contacting anybody for help. I was asked to sit in my room with full privacy so that I could now defend myself to the police for the reason why I forgot submitting these documents. The lady even said that the only reason why I am getting this chance is because they do not want the university’s name to be tainted because of my actions. Fast forward and I was then speaking to a man who claimed to be a federal officer asking me why I did not fill out a “change of address form” and several other forms. I was then asked to